124: 10 Ways I Recharge My Energy in Just a Few Minutes

My dad recently needed eye surgery and he can’t read or watch tv for a couple weeks while his eye heals - so I’m getting him set up with true crime podcasts to listen to while he recovers. 

When I googled best true crime podcasts I found a website with the top 25 true crime podcasts of all time (PS if you’re a true crime podcast fan and you have one I should set him up with send me an email and let me know). 

And it got me thinking about how much I love lists. 

Sometimes they can get out of hand (like when that to-do list turns into a monster and gets out of your control), but they can be a great way to organize information. 

So I was inspired to create today’s episode - My top 10 energy-boosting strategies for busy perfectionists

Whenever my energy and motivation start to dip, one of these simple strategies can usually give me the boost I need. Let’s dive in

#1 Drink a glass of water 

Being dehydrated can reduce your memory and concentration, and make you feel tired. If you’re losing energy or getting distracted - try having a big glass of water. Plus the break can refresh your brain and get your productivity back on track

# 2 Get up and go for a short walk 

Even a few minutes outside can recharge your brain and body. Our brains love being in nature. Just a quick walk around your block, or even around your yard for a few minutes can help recharge your energy. Plus, sitting at your desk frustrated isn’t a great way to get things done… so get up and get some fresh air and move your body. 

#3 Stare out your window for 30 seconds 

I do this one a lot at my office. I get up, go stand in front of my window for a few minutes, and let my brain relax. This gets me out of my chair and moving around, gives my eyes a break from staring at my computer all day, and helps clear my mind of whatever log jam I’m stuck in. Works like a charm.

#4 Move on to something else 

If you’re really starting to flounder, you just can’t seem to make any progress on that project, move on to something else for a bit. We get into this productivity trap of feeling like if we just keep beating our head against the wall eventually we’ll figure it out. But nope, not how our brains work. 

Ever been trying to think of someone’s name, like an actor or famous person and it just won’t come to you…then hours later in the car you all of a sudden think of that name? Totally normal. When we think too hard about something it basically burns out your brain cells. They need to do something else for a while so they can recharge. 

So put that project aside, and work on something else for a few minutes. You’ll come back refreshed and refocused later. 

#5 Scroll social media for a few minutes 

Yes social media is a distraction and sometimes that’s good. 

Here are my tips if you use this strategy:

  • get up and go sit somewhere else while you scroll, so you’re not tempted to keep picking your phone back up when you get back to work (your brain will associate social media time not with your work space), 

  • set a time limit, and 

  • make sure your feed is full of things that inspire you, accounts that make you laugh, or friends and family you fill your cup  -looking at a bunch of stressful comments or posts is not going to refresh your brain. 

# 6 Have something to eat 

Our brains need fuel. And if you’re a bit of an overachiever, you might have forgotten to eat today. Leaving you hangry, tired, and distractible. Go have a quick snack. The break will help, and so will the nutrition. 

#7 Take a nap 

Sometimes you just need more sleep. A quick 20-30 minute power nap can do wonders. Our bodies have normal energy fluctuations, and it’s pretty normal to dip in the afternoon. A quick nap can refresh and recharge your brain. 

Tip → don’t sleep too long, or you’ll wake up groggy and less motivated, 20-30 minutes is perfect

#8 Text your mom 

Okay it doesn’t have to be your mom, but text someone just to say hi. 

Benefit #1 it shows them you’re thinking about them, 

Benefit #2 social connection is a great way to boost our energy and mood, and 

Benefit #3 a quick text conversation mid-day with a good friend or family member might be just the break you need to get back on track. 

#9 Pester your cats (or dogs) for a few minutes 

Don’t have someone to text in the middle of the day? Go bother your pets. 

There’s some pretty good research that petting a cat or dog lowers stress, helps control your blood pressure, and can boost your mood. And they’ll love the few minutes of extra attention

#10 Call it a day 

Sometimes you just need to call it a day. We all have those days where we’re less focused and less productive. Totally normal. And fighting against it can be a frustrating battle. It might be one of those days where you give that project a rest, and come back to that task tomorrow. 

Episode bonus resources

This episode is brought to you by my free workbook - Your Daily Productivity Checklists. Ever wished you had more time in your day? This free workbook will walk you through the steps I use to set up my day to maximize productivity so you can get more done in your day (without feeling totally overwhelmed or staying up all night to squeeze it all in!) Download your copy of Your Daily Productivity checklist at https://www.drnicolebyers.com/checklist

Key Takeaways

There you have it - 10 ways I boost my energy and motivation on those days when I’m dragging my heels. 

Your challenge for the week - pick one and give it a try. When our bodies and minds are refreshed it’s easier to focus, we’re better at solving problems, and we tend to be more productive. A few small breaks throughout the day can be a game changer for your happiness and your productivity.

Show Highlights

[01:54] - Drink a glass of water.

[02:13] - Get up and go for a short walk.

[02:41] - Stare out your window for 30 seconds.

[03:08] - Move on to something else.

[04:01] - Scroll social media for a few minutes.

[05:00] - Have something to eat.

[05:18] - Take a nap.

[05:50] - Text someone just to say hi.

[06:18] - Spend a few minutes with your pets.

[06:38] - Call it a day.

[07:36] - Pick one of these strategies this week and give it a try.

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