3: Building Confidence When You Feel Like Hiding Under Your Bed

This week on The Bold Life Podcast, I’m talking all about how to find courage when it feels like everything around you is out of control. When I recorded this episode, our lives had been turned upside down by the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s hard on our brains when we don’t know what to expect, but it doesn’t take a global crisis to make us feel out of control. Every day, we face challenges and roadblocks. In this episode, I’m sharing how courage comes from taking action, even when life is throwing curveballs.

Did you know that our brains need to face adversity to grow? You don’t become braver or more confident doing the same thing every day. Your brain learns courage by being challenged, just like any other muscle in your body.

But when our brains feel out of control, they resist. They try to talk us out of changing by imagining the worst-case scenarios. This creates stress on our bodies and minds. In this episode, I share one technique to focus and calm your body and mind so you feel more in control.

Remember, you can control where your brain focuses; you can choose to have courage and move forward. Listen to this episode and learn how to stay off the stress hamster wheel, and click on the link to take my free Stress Personality Quiz I mentioned in the episode.

Show Highlights

[00:49] Has your world been turned upside down with this pandemic?

[01:22] Why it’s super hard on our brains when we don't know what to expect next.

[06:16] Courage comes from taking action when we feel things are out of our control.

[11:38] Our brains are great at talking us out of trying something new.

[14:06] Courage isn't the absence of fear, it's feeling fear and moving forward, anyway.

[15:55] When our brains have to work hard to figure out what comes next, it creates stress on our bodies and minds.

[17:25] Have you ever been on the hamster wheel of fear and uncertainty?

[18:52] One technique to slow your body’s stress response.

[22:16] Remember, you can control where your brain focuses, you can choose to have the courage and move forward.

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